Tesseract Tools - Documentation  UnityTools
Professional grade GameDev tools
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Getting Started

General Setup

Once you have downloaded and imported the Feedback Reporter, find the FeedbackReporter prefab and drag it into your main scene.

Settings Setup

Click on the FeedbackReporter prefab and look for the Feedback Reporter component in the inspector. You will find a slot for a Settings entry that's empty. To create a Settings entry you will need to open the Project Settings and click on Tesseract Tools / Feedback Reporter entry. This will create a FeedbackReporterSettings scriptable object in the Assets/Resources/TesseractTools directory. Add this settings file to the Settings field in the FeedbackReporter prefab.

Choose a Feedback Provider

The feedback reporter package supports three backend APIs to report your progress too, each with slightly different requirements and considerations. The easiest to get started with is Trello but you can very easily integrate JIRA or Github is your team uses those for your project.