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Tesseract Tools - Documentation
Professional grade GameDev tools
Open up your Unity Project and go to your Project Settings. Once you've in the Project Settings Window click on the Tesseract Tools / Feedback Reporter
tree item.
You should see an empty page similar to this one.
Make sure that Trello is selected as the Feedback Target and enter your API Key and User Token from our previous step.
Now that you've entered your API key and User Toekn you should get a button for 'Refresh Boards From Trello'. Click this to see all boards that your credentials are setup for. The plugin will ping the Trello API and give you a selection of Boards to chose from. For our test we only have 1 board our 'App Feedback Test Board'.
You can see it provides the Boards Name, id and the link to the board.
You'll also find a new button called 'Refresh Board Lists From Trello'. This will get all lists/Columns that are available on your board. You can choose to either keep all of them or only give a few options.
This just shows the default 3 columns that Trello setups up for us. This is a little boring so let's go back to Trello, Create some new columns and then configure those in our app.
We're going to add some new columns, 'Bugs', 'Feature Requests', General Feedback and For Reference.
If we go back to the Unity Project Settings and click 'Refresh' on the Board List we should now see our new Columns as options.
This is great, but what if we don't want users to choose any column, we can remove a column using the 'X' button. We'll remove the 'For reference' here since we'll only use that internally.
Next we'll test that our integration is working be uploading some test feedback to Trello!