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Setting Up Trello API

Create a Board

If you haven't already, create an account on Trello and setup a Workspace and Board here.

Change or create new columns / Lists if you'd like such as 'Bugs' or 'Feature Requests'. These will be provided as dropdowns to your testers to select how they'd like their feedback to be organised.

API and User Token Setup

Once you have a board setup we'll need to get an API key and user token using Power-Up integrtions. This lets our plugin upload new cards. You can read more about the Trello authorization setup here.

Create a New Power-Up

One way to create a focused API key is using Power-Ups & Integrations. Trello will prompt you to create a new Power-up for your API key.

Now enter the basic info about your Power Up intergration suc ass Name, Workspace association etc. Once that's complete click 'Create'.

Create a New API Key

You'll now be prompted to create a new API Key. Click on the 'Generate a new API key' button.

Make a local copy of the API Key, we'll be integrating it into Unity soon. Once you've done that click on the 'Token' link at the bottom of the paragraph next to the API Key field.

Create a User Token

You'll be taken to an Authorization form that will let you create a UserToken for your newly created Trello power up. Scroll down and click 'Allow'.

Your API Key and UserToken will be shipped with your game. This means users could be able to access it if they rip apart your binaries/final package. Give some thought to which user will be creating the API/User tokens and how much access they have to your larger Trello and Atlassian products.

This will then take you to a page which will show you your new user token. This will be the only time you can view this so make sure you make a copy here.

Next Steps

Now that we have an API key setup we can Configuring Trello with Unity.